Hi all, this is probably a weird question and something I'm not doing right but I got this bizarre thing going on here. When I boot the system with the SMP kernel and compile (*) with the smp kernel source (actually even if I don't compile, but as long as I boot into the SMP kernel), I get this problem where calling into the system, say to check my voicemail, the prompt playback continously changes tempo. The prompts are played in slow-motion, and then it speeds up to its normal speed, then goes back in slow-mo and so on. It happens (I think) at constant periods. Only the tempo changes, not the pitch of the prompt. Does anyone have any idea what could be happening? I have watched "top"constantly but haven't noticed anything bizarre in terms of CPU or Mem usage. This is on a 100mbps LAN with nothing much else on it. And it only happens when it's booted into the smp kernel. So it's something to do with smp, thread scheduling, or some buffer BUT I don't know what exactly. All you champs out there, esp. the asterisk-dev people, any light you can shed on this? Thanks much \R