> I believe I've found a possible bug in the Zaptel channel drivers.
> been able to recreate this on a couple of servers. One > with Asterisk
> and,and also Zaptel 1.2.5 and Zaptel 1.2.6. I was testing
> a server configuration with some >T1's we have with AT&T. When
> disconnected the AT&T T1's we were no longer able to check
voicemail. I
> noticed then >that no messages from the server could be heard. Playback,
> voicemail or any other message the server would play to the >caller on
> phone. It would display on the CLI that it was playing the message but
> nothing could be heard and it would hang >the call until it timed out.
> took a lot of trial and error before I figured out that if I unloaded all
> related files to the Zaptel >drivers the messages could then be heard.
> Reactivated the Zaptel with no T1's attached and again it killed the
> messages. One >server has a Wct4xxp card and the other using dynamic
> Redfone's from Fonbridge. Both reacted the same way.
Sounds more like you have set the T1s as your primary timing source with no
secondary. Are the phones connected to this analog off a channel bank by
chance? If so if you don't specify something to take over timing, the
channel banks won't sync audio properly to the Asterisk server and what you
describe is likely to occur.
Raymond McKay
RAYNET Technologies LLC
(860) 693-2226 x 31
Toll Free (877) 693-2226