Hello again List! I wrote something to allow me to easily view the state of Asterisk SIP devices, ZAP channels and Agents through a WEB interface. The pages are AJAX enabled to watch events and automatically update the status buttons. It is an Asterisk Switchboard created solely from Asterisk Events. It does not poll the Asterisk Manager (although it does have functions to run manager commands if you want those functions). A python script (daemon) captures the events and puts them into a MySQL database. (It can also optionally function as a proxy to the manager interface) The PHP (and AJAX) code monitor the database and update the WEB page(s). I thought 'you all' might get some use from it. I call it 'Asterisk Event Monitor'. Tar file, screenshots, readme.txt, etc. are available here: http://www.micpc.com/eventmonitor Also, there have been many features and updates to AstWebMgr (the Asterisk WEB manager interface) since its original posting. It is available here: http://www.micpc.com/astwebmgr earl