Sometimes (once per 4000 lines or so - depending on speed of network) manager improperly returns events. For example, one QueueMember will get overwritten by (or as part of) another, like this (see third line): Event: QueueMember Queue: 09 LocatiEvent: QueueMember Queue: 09 Location: Agent/09003 Membership: static Penalty: 1 CallsTaken: 0 LastCall: 0 Status: 5 Paused: 0 The details were reported at In short: this behaviour can easily be reproduced in branch 25988, or releases 1.2.x (including, by repeatedly sending QueueStatus commands. However, I have not been able to reproduce this in trunk 25930. My guess is that there is something buggy in the locking mechanism of the current Asterisk releases. What would be the fastest way to solve this problem, as this is causing me lots of problems in my production system? Any ideas?