<html> <body> hallo,<br><br> i experienced codec translation problems between my sip adapter and different sip providers<br><br> i use a grandstream ht286 sip adapter and an asterisk server, the asterisk server is registered with two sip providers, sipgate and voipbuster, i would like to use ilbc o. g726 because of bandwith, as voipbuster uses only g729 (and alaw) and sipgate supports ilbc and also my iax provider uses ilbc. <br><br> if i use this sip.conf settings, the asterisk server makes alwayes a codec translation, but as i understand, my sip adapter already provides these codecs, so no codec translation should be necessary?<br><br> this is what asterisk does:<br><br> ht286 ---> [grandstream] ---> [vbuster]<br> used codecs ilbc ilbc g726<br> codec order ilbc ilbc g726 <br> alaw alaw <br> g726 g726 <br><br> <br> ht286 ---> [grandstream] ---> [sipat]<br> used codecs ilbc ilbc ilbc<br> codec order ilbc ilbc ilbc<br> alaw alaw alaw<br> g726 g726 ulaw<br><br> as i testet, asterisk takes always (and only!!) the first codec defind in [grandstream] section (its ilbc) and ignors that my grandstream adapter also support g726. so i get always code translation on my asterisk if i use the voipbuster account, i tried to change ilbc and g726 in [grandstream] section but then i get a codec translation if i call over [sipat] <br><br> could somebody give me an hint? what could be wrong? how can asterisk get know about what codecs are available on my sip adapter?<br><br> <br> thanks for help,<br> alex<br><br> <i>Preferred Vocoder: (in listed order)</i> on Grandstream HT286 <br> PCMA<br> iLBC<br> G726-32<br> G728<br> G729<br> PCMU<br><br> here my sip.conf:<br><br> ; Grandstream Phone<br> [grandstream]<br> type=friend<br> username=grandstream<br> fromuser=grandstream<br> secret=mypass<br> host=dynamic<br> qualify=no<br> disallow=all<br> allow=ilbc<br> allow=alaw<br> allow=g726<br> allow=ulaw<br> allow=slinear<br> allow=gsm<br> language=de<br> nat=no<br> canreinvite=no<br> dtmfmode=rfc2833<br> defaultip=<br> context=out<br><br> [sipat]<br> type=friend<br> username=1111<br> secret=mypass<br> host=sipgate.at<br> fromuser=1111<br> fromdomain=sipgate.at<br> nat=no<br> dtmfmode=info<br> context=sipgatein<br> canreinvite=no<br> disallow=all<br> allow=ilbc<br> allow=alaw<br> allow=ulaw<br> qualify=1000<br><br> [vbuster]<br> type=friend<br> username=xxxx<br> secret=yyyyyy<br> host=sip1.voipbuster.com<br> fromuser=xxxx<br> fromdomain=sip1.voipbuster.com<br> dtmfmode=auto<br> canreinvite=no<br> context=sipgatein<br> disallow=all<br> allow=g726<br> allow=alaw<br> allow=ulaw<br> nat=no<br> qualify=3000<br> insecure=very<br> realm=sip1.voipbuster.com<br><br> </body> </html>