Hope the team can answer this: I have an asterisk setup that accepts calls from a T1 using the DISA command as follows: [emoclew-voip] exten => 9204883,1,DISA(no-password|voip-cc) I provide a dial tone using DISA, and validate against issued PINS using mysql command. Once validated the calls are placed to my provider. The problem I am having is that if the caller hangsup the context that DISA passes the call to (voip-cc) terminates. I am doing post call processing after the hangup, but none of the priorities after the dial executes. I have used the "g" option in the dial command but that only works when the called party hangsup. I have read all that is on the wiki about the special "h" extension but based on the comments it seems that I should stay away from it. My asterisk installation is using 1.09 running on Mandrake Linux 9.1.