Hi, I am new to Asterisk problems. Could anyone tell me how to install asterisk with postgres cdr feature. Because I install asterisk 1.2 from newest Bristuff and I do not have it Thanks in advance Cheers Andrutto ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Szukasz pracy? Szukamy pracownikow: dziennikarzy, webmasterow, specjalisty ds. badan, promotion managera, administratorow baz danych, programistow Windows i wielu innych! >>> http://link.interia.pl/f18e6
In article <20051221130435.9C83E1B5886@poczta.interia.pl>, andrutto@poczta.fm says...> > Hi, > > I am new to Asterisk problems. Could anyone tell me how to install asterisk with postgres cdr feature. Because I install asterisk 1.2 from newest Bristuff and I do not have it > > Thanks in advancehttp://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cdr+pgsql I use MySQL so this is the most I can help you. -- Tomislav Parcina ime.prezime@email.t-com.hr