>Hi,> I'm now using Asterisk for my voicemail together with SER. > They just work fine. When the user in SER is not registered the > call will be forwarded to Asterisk and the caller will record his > message. Then I also made asterisk to send the wav as attachment to > its email. I try using two ip phones one is Xlite and the other is > a hardware ip phone to call the voicemail. When asterisk sent the > mail to me I found that the voicemail from the hardware ip phone > has the display username and the number of the caller, but the > Xlite voicemail only has the display username... then I checked the > voicemail box of my username and check the message text that > corresponds to the voicemail and found these:>hardware ip phone:>[message] origmailbox=810020context=ser macrocontextexten=u810020 priority=1 callerchan=SIP/mydomain.com-0018b368 callerid="test3" <103> origdate=Thu Nov 17 11:22:09 AM GMT 2005 origtime=1132226529 duration=31 xlite: [message] origmailbox=810020 context=ser macrocontextexten=u810020 priority=1 callerchan=SIP/810020-e30c callerid="810020" origdate=Thu Nov 17 11:21:38 AM GMT 2005 origtime=1132226498 duration=31 How come does the hardware phone has the 103 on the callerid and xlite don't have its number? Is this a misconfiguration? Thanks,