Folks, I have several SIP providers that work fine. But I just added a Broadvoice account and all I seem to get is "Your call cannot be completed at this time". Broadvoice is registered and receives incoming calls. Dial plan (identical to other external SIP providers) is passing call to Broadvoice. Broadvoice tech surprise is no help (no surprise). They are telling me to add a 0 or 9 to the dial plan, but I see nothing in their documentation to suggest I need to append this 0 or 9 so I have no idea what they are talking about. asterisk -rvvvv -- Called broadvoice/15202030583 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/david-f08e' -- SIP/broadvoice-3556 is ringing -- SIP/broadvoice-3556 answered SIP/david-f08e -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/david-f08e -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/david-f08e and SIP/broadvoice-3556 == Spawn extension (longdistance3, 15202030583, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/david-f08e' Note that my asterisk server is _not_ showing me congestion, so the message must be coming from Broadvoice. Note: yes, I have user=phone in sip.conf for Broadvoice. TIA, David A. Bandel -- Focus on the dream, not the competition. - Nemesis Air Racing Team motto