Andreas Sikkema wrote:
> wrote:
>>I would like to store these seetings in a mysql database, so
>>that they are more easily accessible from a user
>>configuration page on a webserver. Since these settings need
>>to be checked in the dialplan for each call to the extension,
>>it seems a bit to much to have to connect, query and
>>disconnect from mysql every time. Is there any way to keep a
>>persistent connection to mysql that can be queried from the
>Well, if you do this before answering, nobody is going to
>notice. Even querying during an answered call will have
>hardly any outside consequences...
Using the MYSQL functions from asterisk-addons....
exten => s,1,MYSQL(Connect connid .....
exten => s,2,SetVar(OPEN-CON=1)
exten => s,1,GotoIf(${OPEN-CON}?5)
exten => s,5,MYSQL(Close ${connid})
Then call the open macro when you first receive a call, and make sure in
your hangup (exten => h) function you call the close macro. If you have
an include => hangup in all your contexts, the close macro will be
called anytime a hangup is received and it will close any connection you
opened for that call.
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