hi guys, i am new to asterisk. i have a TE110P digium card. the E1 is connected to a cisco AS5350, i am also using iptel.org ser sip proxy. as5350---<E1-eth0>--sipProxy---PSTNgateway i want to assign 10 numbers to the E1 port. So what i need is to register asterisk in the Proxy as if it were a ip gateway (like a cisco ATA or grandstream BT100). in the ATA i can configure the sip proxy and the numbers that i want to register in the sip proxy, and if i check who is registered in the proxy it shows the ATA numbers as registered (i need to do this same thing but with Asterisk). please guys, can anyone help me? thanx a lot Jenna ;) __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! ?Abr? tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar