Dear list,
today I installed a new asterisk machine, bound to replace my current pbx.
I am using a Fritz ISDN card; on the old machine with the drivers coming
together with the super-old rpm asterisk installation of SUSE 9.2.
The new machine is finally on asterisk 1.0.9, with chan_capi 0.5.4; now
I am doing a nightly test.
Apparently I can receive calls, but I can't dial out. I seem to remember
reading some place that there was a change in the dial app of the new
chan_capi; unfortunately I did not find (may be it's too late now for
the two neurons still awake) the message or readme where the change was
mentioned, even using heavy 'find scans' in my message database.
No luck on the wiki, either...
The old (reused) diaplan tries to dial out with:
>exten => _3.,1,Dial,CAPI/<mynumber>:b${EXTEN}|90
> ; Cellular Phone numbers
>exten => _3.,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
>exten => _3.NOANSWER,1,Hangup() ; Hangup
>exten => _3.BUSY,1,Hangup() ; Hangup
The console says:
>Aug 3 23:59:34 NOTICE[6284]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to
create channel of type 'CAPI'
capi info works:>mini-CDC*CLI> capi info
>Contr1: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free.
Not surprising as I do get incoming calls...
Where can I find the new details on the dial with capi?