Running the current cvs head, I have a serious problem with a channel lock.
It seems to be directly related to the queue sending calls to agents.
The queue attempts to call the available agents, and it is in this
process that the channels seem to get locked.
Aug 2 18:02:14 WARNING[24985]: channel.c:709 channel_find_locked:
Avoided initial deadlock for '0xb7b0a168', 10 retries!
Aug 2 18:38:31 WARNING[29924]: channel.c:709 channel_find_locked:
Avoided deadlock for '0xb7b0a168', 10 retries!
Asterisk does not completely lock up, but doing a "show channels" for
example hangs the cli.
Running cvs head as of last night.
Any one else see this, or know of a way around this?
respectfully, Joseph