I'm at a loss as to why my * box dosnt want to play nicely with Broadvoice. Here is what my log files are showing: Jul 28 16:33:43 NOTICE[1187]: -- Registration for '2017540019@proxy.dca.broadvoice.com@proxy.dca.broadvoice.com' timed out, trying again Jul 28 16:33:43 DEBUG[1187]: Scheduled a registration timeout # 108 Jul 28 16:33:43 DEBUG[1187]: Stopping retransmission on '4329b55603c0ceee281f175a7591ca07@' of Request 119: Found Jul 28 16:33:43 VERBOSE[1187]: -- Got SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from Jul 28 16:33:43 VERBOSE[1187]: -- Got SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from I setup my trunk using the AMP, and here is the info i input. OUTGOING SETTINGS PEER DETAILS: authname=2017540019 canreinvite=no context=from-pstn dtmf=inband dtmfmode=inband fromdomain=proxy.dca.broadvoice.com fromuser=2017540019 host=sip.broadvoice.com insecure=very nat=yes secret=my-password type=peer user=phone username=2017540019 USER Context: sip.broadvoice.com User Details: context=from-pstn dtmf=inband dtmfmode=inband fromdomain=proxy.dca.broadvoice.com host=proxy.dca.broadvoice.com insecure=very nat=yes secret=my-password type=user user=2017540019 username=2017540019 Register String: 2017540019@proxy.dca.broadvoice.com:my-password:2017540019@proxy.dca.broadvoice.com anybody have any ideas? thanks!