I've been wondering for a long time why my reinvite option is not working with Broadvoice anymore. It happend during the time Broadvoice was having a lot of issues, so I decided to wait. Recently I decided to test the same sip.conf with another VSP (SIPphone) and it worked fine! No issues on the reinvite. Note: clients and server using ULAW (only), no NAT or firewalls, public ip address and no extra parameter on the dialplan. I even tried to use STUN server at FWD (stun.fwdnet.net:3478) with no luck at all. The only option available on the market for me at the moment is Broadvoice because of an unlimited international plan with a flat rate, so I'm stuck here. Please, send me ideas. Thanks in advance, -Dhennys Pestana ### sip.conf [general] context=default recordhistory=yes realm=voip.server.com port=5060 bindaddr= srvlookup=yes tos=lowdelay maxexpirey=3600 defaultexpirey=900 videosupport=yes disallow=all allow=ulaw musicclass=default language=en useragent=Asterisk PBX canreinvite=yes nat=no [sipphone] type=peer username=6462050505 secret=secret host=sip.broadvoice.com fromuser=6462050505 fromdomain=sip.broadvoice.com canreinvite=yes nat=no insecure=very disallow=all allow=ulaw [sipphone] type=peer username=17476000969 secret=secret host=proxy01.sipphone.com fromuser=17476000969 fromdomain=proxy01.sipphone.com canreinvite=yes nat=no insecure=very disallow=all allow=ulaw [2193393737] type=friend username=2193393737 secret=secret host=dynamic context=home mailbox=2193393737@home canreinvite=yes dtmfmode=rfc2833 callerid="Dhennys Pestana" <02193393737> nat=no disallow=all allow=ulaw ### extensions.conf [globals] OUTGOING=broadvoice ;OUTGOING=sipphone [home] include => default include => international [international] exten => _001800XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@${OUTGOING},60) ### Console woody*CLI> -- Executing Dial("SIP/2193393737-495e", "SIP/18005558355@broadvoice|60") in new stack -- Called 18005558355@broadvoice -- SIP/broadvoice-440b is making progress passing it to SIP/2193393737-495e -- SIP/broadvoice-440b is making progress passing it to SIP/2193393737-495e -- SIP/broadvoice-440b answered SIP/2193393737-495e -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/2193393737-495e and SIP/broadvoice-440b -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/2193393737-495e and SIP/broadvoice-440b == Spawn extension (home, 18005558355, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2193393737-495e' -- Executing NoOp("SIP/2193393737-495e", "DEBUG-HangUpCause = 0") in new stack -- Executing Hangup("SIP/2193393737-495e", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (home, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2193393737-495e' > cdr_odbc: Query Successful! woody*CLI>