I don't believe that PHPAGI supports this currently. What you are looking
for is a combination of 2 functions: get_data() and swift().
PHPAGI code is very easy to follow so build your own function to do what you
want and add it to your copy of PHPAGI.php. Ain't OSS wonderful?
I did the following... (my apologies to PHPAGI and PHP gurus for my
inelegant code... but it works for me).
* Use Cepstral Swift to read text and get dtmf
function swift_get_data($text, $frequency=8000, $voice=NULL,
$addl_params='', $timeout=NULL, $max_digits=NULL)
$text = trim($text);
if($text == '') return true;
$voice = "-n $voice";
$voice = "-n
if($addl_params != '')
$addl_params = ",$addl_params";
// create the wave file
$fname = $this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] .
$fname .= str_replace('.', '_', 'swift_' .
$p = popen("{$this->config['cepstral']['swift']}
audio/channels=1,audio/sampling-rate=$frequency$addl_params $voice -o
$fname.wav -f -", 'w');
fputs($p, $text);
// stream it
$ret = $this->get_data($fname, $timeout, $max_digits);
// destroy it
if(file_exists($fname . '.wav'))
unlink($fname . '.wav');
return $ret;
$result = $agi->swift_get_data('To do thing 1 press 1. 'To do thing
press 2. 'To do thing 3 press 3.
$keys = $result['result'];
if ($keys == "1") {
// ***** do thing 1
} elseif ($keys == "2") {
// ***** do thing 2
} elseif ($keys == "3") {
// ***** do thing 3
Clarke Kawakami
Open Telephony Labs LLC
>I am trying to use swift in PHP/AGI.
>function swift($text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000,
>During swift speaking some text I want the caller to be able to press
>1, 2 or 3 to do thing 1, thing 2 or thing 3.
>How are these digit defines and then caught?