I have a line dedicated to receive faxes. It basically answers, gives you a prompt to dial 1 for fax, an extension or wait on the line for a fax tone. After a few seconds it will timeout (using the t extension) and give the user a fax tone. The problem is that if the user hangs up RxFax will continue trying to receive a fax forever and will not hang up the line until I kill the channel manually. I am using spandsp.0.0.2pre15 with Asterisk CVS-HEAD 04/20/05-09:25:13. Is there a way to make rxfax hangup after a max time in case the fax does not go through? I use the following fax macro: [ Context 'macro-faxin' created by 'pbx_config' ] 's' => 1. SetVar(FAXFILE=/var/spool/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif) [pbx_config] 2. rxfax(${FAXFILE}) [pbx_config] 3. system(/usr/local/bin/mailfax) [pbx_config] 4. Hangup() [pbx_config] -- Carlos Chavez Director de Tecnolog?a Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de M?xico S.A. de C.V. Tel: +52-55-91169161 Ext 2001