Hello, i have just installed OH323 and configured all outgoing calls from sip softphones, sip context in extensions files is: [sip] exten => _.,1,Dial(OH323/${EXTEN}) this is only one in this context, all softphones uses this context. After call system trying to cal "h" :O It looks: -- Registered SIP '1111111' at 195.XXX.XXX.XXX port 5060 expires 1800 -- Saved useragent "X-Lite release 1103m" for peer 1111111 -- Executing Dial("SIP/1111111-3d65", "OH323/4812XXXXXXX") in new stack -- H.323 call to 4812XXXXXXX with codec(s) XXXXXX -- Called 4812XXXXXXX -- OH323/48122863865-70bc is ringing -- Hungup 'OH323/4812XXXXXXX-70bc' == Spawn extension (sip, 4812XXXXXXX, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1111111-3d65' -- Executing Dial("SIP/1111111-3d65", "OH323/h") in new stack -- H.323 call to h with codec(s) XXXXXX -- Called h -- Hungup 'OH323/h-1357' == Spawn extension (sip, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1111111-3d65' -- H.323 call 'ip$localhost/27188' cleared, reason 1 (Cleared by local user) -- H.323 call 'ip$localhost/27189' cleared, reason 1 (Cleared by local user) And what is: -- Called h -- Hungup 'OH323/h-1357' == Spawn extension (sip, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1111111-3d65' ?? On GK displays: ACF|195.XXX.XXX.XXX:1720|3429_endp|27190|4812XXXXXXX:dialedDigits|XXXXXXXXX:dialedDigits=1111111:dialedDigits|false; ARJ|195.XXX.XXX.XXX:1720|h:h323_ID|XXXXXXXXX:dialedDigits=1111111:dialedDigits|false|calledPartytRegistered; DCF|195.XXX.XXX.XXX|3429_endp|27190|normalDrop; What is the ARJ packet? The same problem I see in this mail: http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2005-April/098884.html im using asterisk-oh323-0.7.2-pre1 openh323-v1_13_5-1 pwlib-v1_6_6-1 Maybe this is configuration problem but there is no other extensions inx sip context. Thanks, Adam My oh323.conf: My Oh323.conf: [general] listenAddress=ALL listenPort=1720 tcpStart=10000 tcpEnd=20000 udpStart=10000 udpEnd=20000 fastStart=yes h245Tunnelling=yes h245inSetup=yes inBandDTMF=yes jitterMin=20 jitterMax=100 outboundMax=100 inboundMax=100 simultaneousMax=200 wrapLibTraceLevel=9 libTraceLevel=9 libTraceFile=/tmp/oh323_debug.log gatekeeper=195.XXX.XXX.XXX gatekeeperTTL=300 userInputMode=TONE amaFlags=default accountCode=H323 musionhold=default context=voip-h323 [register] alias=ASTERIX prefix=* [codecs] odec=GSM0610 frames=4