I'll look at mine, I'm running 11.0.0.
On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 21:11:43 -0400, Michael Baird <mike@tc3net.com> wrote:
> Hello, I've recently been testing egressing calls from asterisk via SIP
> to a Max TNT (TAOS 10.1.1). I'm able to route the calls to it and
> complete the calls successfully, however the called-party id gets lost
> somewhere. In my log output on the TNT I see.
> When the call is placed I see, the called-from and called-to number like
> below.
> [1/7/41/0] Assigned to port [MBID 915;
> ? 5175556386->5175557167]
> But when the VOIP Session comes up I see, leaving the called-from blank.
> 1/7/41/0] VOIP session up:
> ? <V:436004f521319441375fc7ad37ac3>
> [MBID 915;
> ? ->5175557167]
> I've checked through quite a few settings with no change. Egressing out
> a ZAP channel from the same asterisk box over the same trunks does put
> the called-from on the line.
> I read something in the changelog, that the TNT drop callerid when it
> egresses if the SIP INVITE messages are not enclosed in brackets, can
> anyone confirm this? If so has someone tried 11.0.2 to see if it works
> with asterisk properly.
> Regards
James Taylor
3505 Summerihll Road
Suite 11
Texarkana, Texas 75503