Hi Repeated e-mail as I forgot to make plain text - sorry. Newbie asterisk guy here and forgive this slightly long mail, but I'm stuck on this for a week. I'm having major problems getting a Fritz card to dial out in the UK (or indeed answer, but I've been concentrating on dialing out). I'm getting the 0x3301 or 0x3302 error. My capi.conf file is: -------------- [general] nationalprefix=0 internationalprefix=00 rxgain=0.8 txgain=0.8 [interfaces] msn=1580XXXXXX (the x's are replaced with our full msn) incomingmsn=* controller=1 softdtmf=1 accountcodecontext=bodiam (and the bodiam context includes bodiam-out) ;echosquelch=1 ;echocancel=yes ;echotail=64 ;callgroup=1 ;deflect=12345678 devices=2 The significant part of my extensions.conf is: ------------------------------ [bodiam-out] exten => _9.,1,StripMSD,1 exten => _.,2,NoOp("Test1") exten => _.,3,Dial,CAPI/1580xxxxxx:BYEXTENSION,30,r (x's replaced with full msn) exten => _.,4 NoOp("test2") exten => _.,5,Congestion The output when enabling CAPI is ----------------------------------------- -- Executing StripMSD("SIP/202-5a30", "1") in new stack -- Executing NoOp("SIP/202-5a30", ""Test1"") in new stack -- Executing Dial("SIP/202-5a30", "CAPI/1580xxxxxx:BYEXTENSION") in new stack -- data = 1580xxxxxx:01580yyyyyy -- capi request omsn = 1580xxxxxx == found capi with omsn = 1580xxxxxx == CAPI Call CAPI[contr1/1580xxxxxx]/0 -- Called 1580xxxxxx:01580yyyyyy (01580xxxxxx has msn; 01580yyyyyy is number being called) -- CONNECT_CONF ID=001 #0x0004 LEN=0014 Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101 Info = 0x0 == received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x101 INFO = 0 -- DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x0005 LEN=0014 Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101 Reason = 0x3301 == DISCONNECT_IND PLCI=0x101 REASON=0x3301 == No one is available to answer at this time Apr 6 07:51:34 WARNING[576]: pbx.c:1291 pbx_extension_helper: No application '' for extension (bodiam, 01580yyyyyy, 4) == Spawn extension (bodiam, 01580830902, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/202-5a30' ------------------------ Sometimes I get 0x3302. The ISDN line being used is one normally used by our conventional PABX so we know it works - we just plug it into the Fritz card instead. capi info shows the channels are recognised and free in Asterisk. capiinfo in command prompt shows: Controller 1: Manufacturer: AVM GmbH CAPI Version: 2.0 Manufacturer Version: 3.17-02 (49.18) Serial Number: 1000001 BChannels: 2 Global Options: 0x00000039 internal controller supported DTMF supported Supplementary Services supported channel allocation supported (leased lines) B1 protocols support: 0x4000011f 64 kbit/s with HDLC framing 64 kbit/s bit-transparent operation V.110 asynconous operation with start/stop byte framing V.110 synconous operation with HDLC framing T.30 modem for fax group 3 Modem asyncronous operation with start/stop byte framing B2 protocols support: 0x00000b1b ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP) Transparent LAPD with Q.921 for D channel X.25 (SAPI 16) T.30 fro fax group 3 ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP) with V.42bis compression V.120 asyncronous mode V.120 bit-transparent mode B3 protocols support: 0x800000bf Transparent T.90NL, T.70NL, T.90 ISO 8208 (X.25 DTE-DTE) X.25 DCE T.30 for fax group 3 reserved 0100 0200 39000000 1f010040 1b0b0000 bf000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000001 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Supplementary services support: 0x000003ff Hold / Retrieve Terminal Portability ECT 3PTY Call Forwarding Call Deflection MCID CCBS ---------------------- The 0x3301 and 3302 errors seem to be protocol ones and it 'feels' like some sort of country configuration issue or something like that. Can any one give me any advice/help on this as I'm been stuck on this for a week. Many thanks Paul