On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 07:46:49PM +0200, Alex wrote:> Asterisk CVS-HEAD 30/3/05 + mISDN + chan_misdn = everything works fine but
> outgoing DTMFs are not sent to the called party when placing calls from SIP
> clients to PSTN (ISDN). On the contrary, incoming calls from PSTN can send
> DTMF to Asterisk.
> I've already tried every combinations of dtmfmode (inband, rfc2833,
> either in sip.conf, either in clients options, with all codecs. I've
> tried setting SIPDtmfMode() before dialing, but had no success.
"Turn on inband DTMF on your SIP device, this works."
(copied from http://www.beronet.com/bugs/ bug_id 10 )
Is the problem specific to CVS-HEAD 30/3/05 ? If you think it is a
chan_misdn problem, please use beronets bug tracker.
Stefan Tichy <asterisk@pi4tel.de>