I seem to be having problems calling ohphone from asterisk. The audio cuts out after a few seconds with the error from ohphone: Incoming call from "root []" at Sat, 02 Apr 2005 22:50:55 -0500, answer call (Y/n)? Offhook - answering call Started logical channel: sending G.711-uLaw-64k{hw} <1> Call with "root []" established. Accepting call. Started logical channel: receiving G.711-uLaw-64k{hw} <6> Onhook - ending call. 2:17.142 H323 Cleaner assert.cxx(105) PWLib Assertion fail: Transmit media thread did not terminate, file channels.cxx, line 680, Error=107 <A>bort, <C>ore dump, <I>gnore? Calls from ohphone to asterisk work well though. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks.