On Sun, 2005-03-27 at 14:18 +0000, Titoy LeBoss wrote:> Hi everybody !!! I'm a french student working on an Asterisk's
projet . I
> think it's very easy for you :
> configure 2 CISCO 7910 and Asterisk in order to make call between both.
> (Scuse for my poor english ;) )
> I have install Debian and Asterisk thanks to the CD Xorcom Rapid.
> I have set-up DHCP and TFTP servers for the IP phones.
> On the tftp, i have put the *.bin files for my phone, SIPDefault.cnf and
> OS79xx.txt
> Can you give me an example of SIPAdrMac.cnf ???
> Can you explain me what i have to modify or add on Asterisk??
> Skinny.conf ??? SIP.conf ???
> And have i to add Channels in CLI Interface of Asterisk ?
You have to consult the Cisco documentation for the phone's firmware. On
the asterisk side, you just have to edit sip.conf to let the server know
about the phone and it should register. If you type 'sip show peers' you
should see the phone the server knows about.