My only problem now is this: I have a broadvoice number that I can dial out on, and i ncomming calls word fine. Once the ip phone handset picks up, the audio bi-directionally is perfect. The problem is the audio BEFORE the handset picks up is silent on the broadvoice side. The user calling in over the sip number doesnt hear the menu, or even the ringing. Once the handset picks up then boom, sound is perfect. The logs show no errors, and the monitor() application shows sound operating perfectly both directions despite the incomming call's inability to hear untill pickup. sip.conf for broadvoice: [] type=peer authname=5555555555 canreinvite=no context=test dtmf=inband dtmfmode=inband fromuser=5555555555 insecure=very nat=yes secret=passcode user=phone username=5555555555 externip=x.x.x.x qualify=yes [bv] canreinvite=no type=user context=test dtmf=inband dtmfmode=inband insecure=very nat=yes secret=passcode user=5555555555 username=5555555555 qualify=yes externip=x.x.x.x Any ideas? how would sound be any different after the phone picks up than before? if anyone knows how/why its different then thatll help me track it down. -C