I am trying to configure Asterisk to receive an inbound call on a Zap channel T1 and Dial a SIP UA registered to Asterisk. SIP Debug and pcap output shows that asterisk is sending an INVITE, followed by an immediate SIP Cancel message. I hear one ring on the called party and then an immediate disconnect - don't know why. The phone actually sends back a 100 Trying, 180 Ringing, 200 Ok, then a 487 Request Cancelled. I've searched all over the Wiki and can't find out why I am missing this. When I do a playback(demo-congrats) instead of the Dial command, demo audio plays back just fine. What am I missing and where can I look more to find the problem? Extensions.conf: [Provider_T14] exten => 2145551212,1,Dial(SIP/User1,30,r) CLI debug: *CLI> -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/73-1' -- Executing Dial("Zap/73-1", "SIP/User1|30|r") in new stack -- Called User1 == Spawn extension (Provider_T14, 2145551212, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/73-1' -- Hungup 'Zap/73-1' *CLI> sip.conf: [User1] type=friend host=dynamic username=User1 secret=User1 qualify=200 nat=no allow=ulaw allow=alaw context=intern