On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:56:35 -0500, Jeff R Glassman
wrote> I am running * with a single X100P (Clone) card. I would like to
> add 1 - 2 more. Is there a limit to the number of X100P cards
> other than the PCI slos on the motherboard?
I am afraid that this has been debated to death in this forum and there
is no simple answer. Most people will tell you that it mostly depends on your
motherboard. I personally have installed up to 5 X100P clones in a single
server without any problems, when I tried to install the 6th Asterisk stopped
being nice to me.
The thing you really have to take care of is that every card gets its own
IRQ and does not share it with anything else.
Carlos Chavez
Director de Tecnolog?a
Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de M?xico S.A. de C.V.