asterisk v1.0.3, mpg123 v59r, shoutcast server. When first starting asterisk all is fine, moh/mpg processes start, can see asterisk client connections on shoutcast monitor as well and I've got mp3 streamed music on hold, cool! After aprx. 32-105 seconds the asterisk client connections close on the shoutcast server. The moh/mpg processes are still running, but are now just looping a "buffer full?" of previous mp3 streamed music. asterisk MP3Player works as expected. mpg123 works fine from console, xmms too, etc. Moh seems to have some type of time out. Nothing in logs. I know there's other people streaming MP3's to moh, is this happening to you? I've tried to peek thru the res_musiconhold.c file but just can't figure it out. Class doesn't seem to matter, mp3,custom, even httpmp3. Any ideas how I can keep the MP3 stream open? (hope I made sense)