Hi! i have to make pabx to direct calls to h323 terminals. i have an h323 gateway available and wish to use asterisk as the gatekeeper for call direction and queueing etc.I am a beginner at asterisk and to link openh323 with asterisk for my project i searched on net i found different compilation instructions from different sources. having no idea i followed two sources and issued commands as below in the ~/pwlib dir i gave the following commands ./configure make bothdepend make bothnoshared then the same in the ~/h323 dir then bak in the ~/pwlib dir i issued the command make clean opt and then the same in ~/h323 dir then in ~/asterisk/channels/h323 dir i issued the 'make' command. and in the ~/astersik dir i issued 'make install' followed by 'make samples' can u plz guide me on the linking and compilation procedure of h323. how will i know that h323 has been linked. will there appear an h323.conf kinda file?If you don`t have much time with you can you plz tell somebody else working with you to help me. plz do reply