Take a look at the astGUIclient FAQ:
you need to download the version of Time::HiRes that your perl version
expects to be there(1.55 I think).
You do not need a special ActivePerl version you can use any of the previous
CPAN versions listed on this page with ActivePerl:
-----Original Message-----
From: Guido Rebert [mailto:grebert@grupopyd.com]
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 12:22 PM
To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] VICIDIAL in windows xp
hello everybody.. I?m trying to finallize with astguiclient/vicidial
installation with the scratch-install . Everything works great but 2 stuffs
I may see now.
with astguiclient running on windows xp -- ok
when I launch c:\AST_VICI\astVICIDIAL_0.8.pl an error appears and vicidial
doesn?t launch..
at first perl asked for time::hires so I made
ppm install Time::HiRes and installed HiRes version 1.49
So I tryied again but now askes for an newer version not available at active
this?s the error...
time::hires object version 1.59 does not match $time::hires::XS_version
1.55 at c:/perl/lib/dynaloader.pm line 253
compilation failed in require at vicidial.pl line 83
begin failed--compilation aborted at vicidial.pl line 83
Someone knows how may I fix this?
-ASTGUICLIENT - VICIDIAL web administration
at welcome page (http://voip.local/astguiclient/welcome.php) there are a
couplo of broken links...
I didn?t found the pages.. anyone knows?
Thanks to all...
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