On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 11:06:52PM +0100, Remco Barende arranged a set of bits
into the following:> OK, I just got the Kirk IP 600 kit :)
> It turns out that they actually make one unit that does H323 and can do
> Skinny (Cisco) if you buy the version with a license for it. Mine supports
> both.
Neat! Any info on pricing?
> The box appears to be running linux btw :)
> nmap revealed 2 open ports, telnet and http and also
> TCP/IP fingerprint:
> SInfo(V=3.55%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu%D=11/12%Time=419509CD%O=23%C=1)
> I couldn't find any info on this station and how to connect it to * but
> that's ok :)
> It seems that you must configure the phones as Cisco 7940 in Call Manager.
> The Wiki about the 7940 uses SIP which will not work so I have to try
> skinny or H323.
> I think the best way would be to use the skinny protocol but I'm a bit
> lost there. When looking for info on cisco protocol I actually found 3
> channels : chan_skinny / chan_sccp and asterisk-sccp.
* chan_skinny - basic support, supplied with asterisk
* chan_sccp - More phone support, more features, chan-sccp.sf.net
There are various splits and forks of chan_sccp out there, but the one
being activly developed is the one hosted on sourceforge. Asterisk-sccp
appears to just be the name that gentoo gave chan_sccp in their archive.
> Hopefully chan_skinny which comes with * is ok?
Should work for basic tasks, but chan_sccp supports more features.
> The wiki SCCP-HOWTO2 says :
> noload=chan_skinny.so
> but I guess I do want to load skinny?? should I specify load= ?
No, that's when using chan_sccp so that you don't have two modules
competing over the skinny port.
> I will keep posting results to the list and finally add a wiki when
> working, hope any of the cisco experts can help :)
If you have any problems with chan_sccp drop me an e-mail.
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