On Tuesday 17 August 2004 09:33, Matt Schulte wrote:> Are there any considerations to take in account when faxing from analog
> to SIP using ULAW? The problem we're having is faxes are only making it
> halfway, getting cut off. Neither fax machine seems to report an error.
> Pretty diagram:
> FXS --> SIP --> PSTN Provider --> FAX
It's the 'net connection.
I have
FaxMachine -> FXS -> * -> * -> PRI
and it works perfectly. IAX2 ULAW between the two * boxes (one hop, not
public internet)
FaxMachine -> FXS -> * -> * -> Nufone
IAX2 and ULAW again and it's spotty at best. It's not nufone's
fault, and we
have a Canon IR3300 which is picky even at the best of times.