I have an Avaya 4602SW SIP phone. They just released the SIP firmware for it the other day. I have it working with my Asterisk, but have a couple issues. My setup is like this: Avaya 4602 phone at home behind router and Asterisk server is straight on the Internet. My phone registers with Asterisk and works fine, but after a while when I pick up the handset and dial a number after I get to the last digit it just beeps at me like its out of service or has become unregistered. I am just guessing that the phone is becoming unconnected from Asterisk b/c in the CLI I see a lot of: -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from my.home.ip.address But this doesn?t appear in the CLI until several minutes after the phone is turned on. When I reset the phone it dials out just fine. The other thing is this. When I look in my outgoing log on my router which my phone is connected to I see: IP) asterisk.public.ip 5060 But when I do ?sip show peers? it shows: Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Mask Port Status 2002/2002 home.ext.ip D N 1029 Unmonitored Why does the wireless router at home show it going out 5060, but Asterisk shows it on port 1029? As well, I also get the following: Jul 18 02:11:22 WARNING[1133718080]: chan_sip.c:601 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 5c1eac5d0c94f5056a585f5d7f2e7681@x.x.x.x for <mailto:5c1eac5d0c94f5056a585f5d7f2e7681@x.x.x.x for> seqno 102 (Non-critical Request) In all, the phone is great, the sound quality is superb, but I don?t want to have to reset it every 30 minutes or so just to use it. Any help will be well appreciated.