Hi, I?m playing with the CVS head time limiting at Dial application, it just works fine but the only problem is that the caller isn?t hearing the warning message. I?m using a Cisco 7960 as the caller and a Polycom 500 as the callee. The audio is passing through Asterisk: -- Executing Dial("SIP/8992-9712", "SIP/8988|20|L(10000:2000)") in new stack -- Limit Data: -- timelimit=10000 -- play_warning=2000 -- play_to_caller=yes -- play_to_callee=no -- warning_freq=0 -- start_sound=UNDEF -- warning_sound=timeleft -- end_sound=UNDEF -- Called 8988 -- SIP/8988-6922 is ringing -- SIP/8988-6922 answered SIP/8992-9712 == Spawn extension (local, 8988, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/8992-9712' If I change the LIMIT_WARNING_FILE to something like 'beep' to use the usual beep.gsm file same results :( Any suggestions ? -- Juanjo sin .sig