----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Feuer" <dfeuer@cox.net>
To: <asterisk-users@lists.digium.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:04 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Consultants
>We would like to look at the feasibility of utilizing * as a network
>infrastructure for a unified communications platform. We would like a
>list of consultants that work with * and have either developed a
>platform which is easily usable in a true telco environment.
So far, two of the three responses to Mr. Feuer have included the entire
digest containing his post rather than sniping the appropriate message from
the digest. What does that say about the computer skills of these
consultants? :)
Failure to isolate the pertinent information of the message one is
responding to seems to be a growing problem on this list. I've seen digests
that were composed of 50% repeated extraneous information that should have
been sniped prior to messages being sent. Some messages contain five copies
of the Digium trailer message! This makes the messages forwarded by Digium
more confusing to read and time consuming.
Digium has had significant problems handling growing volume of mail passing
through its server(s). Failure to snip extraneous message content further
overburdens Digium's facilities. Perhaps Digium should add a reminder about
sniping to the opening message.
Let's all work harder to snip our responses and keep the extraneous message
content to a minimum!
George M Bean
Puwaba Technologies
P.S. I know this is a problem on all lists but periodic reminder on every
list is helpful.