> What is the max # of callers that can
participate in a > conference call? A meetme style call, if it
makes any > difference. I have googled and looked around and
cannot find > any limit.
I have anywhere from 15, to a peak max of 30
traders all using a meetme conf during the day. My
* is running on a old 4U dual proc 500Mhz machine
(one processor installed now).
With the exception of of a few problems from
software sip phones, our implementation has been
relatively problem free.
> Also, is there any way to configure it so that a
particular > extension can monitor the calls and optionally
intrude on the > calls happening on other extensions? This is
needed for a > quality assurance type of situation.
Here's how I have my conferencing setup:
;Squawk boxes for traders
exten => 7XX1,1,Meetme(7XX1|pqM)
;Firm-wide (NO PIN)
exten => 7XX2,1,Meetme(7XX2|pqM)
;Analysts (NO PIN)
exten => 7XX3,1,Meetme(7XX3|pqM)
;Bonds/Fixed Income (NO PIN)
exten => 7XX4,1,Meetme(7XX1|pqmM) ;Firm-wide
exten => 7XX5,1,Meetme(7XX3|pqmM)
;Bonds/Fixed Income (NO PIN/LISTNONLY)
exten => 7XX6,1,Answer
exten => 7XX6,2,Authenticate(XXXXX)
exten => 7XX6,3,Meetme(7XX1|psaq) ;Firm-wide
exten => 7XX7,1,Answer
exten => 7XX7,2,Authenticate(XXXXX)
exten => 7XX7,3,Meetme(7XX3|psaq) ;Bonds/FI
exten => 7XX8,1,Meetme(|pM) ;Welcome
Center, pick a conference and go to it
dunno if it helps, and there's probably a better
way, this is just what I use, and this is what
works for me.