You cannot get reliable inband DTMF unless you use the ULAW or ALAW
codecs. If you want DTMF with other codecs you MUST use rfc2833 or INFO
DTMF modes.
On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 17:38, Jeff Gustafson wrote:> I tried out today's release of Asterisk. I am now able to
> decode inband DTMF over SIP. The problem is that Asterisk only decodes
> the first code. So extensions consisting over more than one digit do
> not work. So, for example, in the demo extensions, extension 2 and 3
> work just fine. Trying to dial extension 500 or 600 does not work.
> Asterisk reports that extension '5' or '6' is not a valid
> Is there a setting for this?
> ...Jeff
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