Barton Hodges
2004-Jan-22 08:39 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Cause of transfer problem (GRANDSTREAM!)
It turns out that the cause of the transfer problem is the Grandstream firmware. I was shipped a bunch of HandyTone-286 devices that contained the firmware. This version had a bug where the phone would sometimes not ring at all. I was told by Grandstream to upgrade to the version. This broke the "Use # as Dial Key" option, and evidently transfer as well. I still do not have any problems with my phones, but I've read that I cannot downgrade from a 1.0.4x version to a 1.0.3x version. I'm pretty pissed that they shipped me what I consider to be defective devices, do not give me a way to back down to a usable version, and do not have a fix for this problem that makes all of the devices completely unusable to me.