On Tuesday 20 January 2004 20:23, Terence Parker wrote:> I have purchased a single G729 license - however, how many are
> actually needed?
> All my IP phones have G729a codecs built in (Cisco 7960 / Zultys
> ZIP2) - I would have assumed that if the phones can do it, and
> canreinvite=yes, then the phones shouldn't need to go through
> asterisk anyway?
> For calls that do go through asterisk, is a single license required
> for each side of the stream? (i.e. a connection between two phones
> needs two licenses?)
> I bought it hoping it could solve some of my bandwidth related
> problems but I seem to have no improvement in quality - so I don't
> know whether it is because the codec is simply not being used (one is
> not enough), or whether it is, but just isn't making a difference.
> Typically - does one need two licenses per call? Or is one enough?
It depends on how you use it. If you are sending streams through
Asterisk, with no transcoding (but not expecting Asterisk to listen for
DTMF on the call either!), you can get away with no licenses at all.
However, if you want to be able to have Asterisk process your DTMF
inband or you are doing some kind of transcoding, you'll need a G729
license for each leg of each _concurrent_ call that uses G729.