how did u setup your asterisk for this:
"I can also start a call through Asterisk to a VoIP
provider, but there is a problem after the first ring:"
----- Original Message -----
From: "jerk face" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 2:42 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk as a PSTN gateway for SER
> First off, here is what I want to do:
> SIP Clients -> SER -> Asterisk -> VoIP provider
> Where SER will handle communications between SIP
> clients (since I would prefer that my SIP clients not
> use all of my bandwidth)
> Asterisk will handle calls to a VoIP provider
> I have read that people have similar setups working,
> but I have not seen any documentation of these setups.
> So far, SIP Clients can talk to each other.
> I can also start a call through Asterisk to a VoIP
> provider, but there is a problem after the first ring:
> Here is the output:
> -- Executing Dial("SIP/-08114560",
> "SIP/13239381067@SIPprovider") in new stack
> -- Called 13239381067@SIPprovider
> -- SIP/SIPprovider-5e0c is making progress passing it
> to SIP/-08114560
> -- SIP/SIPprovider-5e0c answered SIP/-08114560
> -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/-08114560 and
> SIP/SIPprovider-5e0c
> I have tried this with my SIP client behind a NAT and
> outside of a NAT, so I don't that is the problem.
> I have also tried this with both IAX and SIP providers
> and the problem is the same. One ring, and then
> silence.
> Any thoughts?
> Thank you for your time.
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