Does it work through the command line? telnetting to your Asterisk box to
the Manager interface?
In you perl script are you using Net::Telnet to connect? or the
I have had several issues with the Asterisk::Manager module so I switched to
Net::Telnet and it works every time.
Here's some sample Telnet Perl Code for recording(monitor):
use Net::Telnet;
$server_ip = ''; # IP address or domain name
of Asterisk box
$ASTmgrUSERNAME = 'user';
$ASTmgrSECRET= 'pass';
$t = new Net::Telnet (Port => 5038,
Prompt => '/.*[\$%#>] $/',
Output_record_separator =>
$t->waitfor('/0\n$/'); # wait for connect
$t->print("Action: Login\nUsername: $ASTmgrUSERNAME\nSecret:
$t->waitfor('/Authentication accepted/'); # print auth
$originate_command = '';
$originate_command .= "Action: Monitor\n";
$originate_command .= "Channel: Zap/1-1\n";
$originate_command .= "File: new_recording_1-1\n";
$originate_command .= "\n";
@outside_dial = $t->cmd(String => "$originate_command", Prompt
'/Response: Success.*/');
$t->print("Action: Logoff\n\n"); #logoff
$ok = $t->close;
Hope that helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: zoa []
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:29 AM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] perl --> manager problem
I am having some issues when trying to connect with perl to the asterisk
manager and doing an "IAX2 show channels".
If i do that on a server that is heavily loaded, i sometimes get some
events instead of the channels i asked for.
Any suggestions how i could fix that ?
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