I'm trying to get a Snom100 configured with H.323. Right now, the phone is not even connecting to the Asterisk server, so there's obviously a problem with the snom config. Does anybody have a sample working configuration with the snom phone, using H.323? I've checked the archives, but everybody seems to be using SIP with the Snom phone, not H.323. -Tilghman
Tilghman Lesher schrieb:>I'm trying to get a Snom100 configured with H.323. Right now, the >... > >Hi, I had Snoms (100 and 200) configured with H.323 working with asterisk-0.4.0. Since I upgraded to asterisk-0.5.0 and I had problems with H.323 I switch to sip. (The problem was: when I transfered from one H.323 phone to another, chan_oh323 crashed and I had to restart asterisk. But when a gatekeeper avoids that situation, it works fine - I tried with gnugk.) But I still have the config file. The important things are: fastStart=no h245Tunnelling=no h245inSetup=yes Same settings for the phone! For the rest you can take the example config from chan_oh323. Hope, that helps. Roger.