Debian Bug Tracking System
2006-Oct-30 14:25 UTC
Processed: closing 396186, merging 396186 330471
Processing commands for> close 396186Bug#396186: bind9: Installation breaks with shadow passwords disabled ''close'' is deprecated; see Bug closed, send any further explanations to Kevin Campbell <>> merge 396186 330471Bug#330471: postfix: Can''t install if /etc/shadow does not exist Bug#396186: bind9: Installation breaks with shadow passwords disabled Bug#327144: shadow >= 1:4.0.3-37 needed for systems without shadow passwords Bug#330743: cups-pdf: No longer installable when not using shadow passwords. Merged 327144 330471 330743 396186.>End of message, stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database)