The Ruby extensions for FastCGI are now also installed on TextDrive. Standardbehavior is succesfully running off it on a test url. You should do all your development on the CGI side, though. Only use the FastCGI part when the app is working. FastCGI is a pain to debug with, so it''s only suitable for when you think the app is stable. When you need to have it reflect changes, please just restart the FastCGI process you have running. See it with "ps" and do a kill -HUP (or kill -9 if that doesn''t do it). Should everything fail and you''re unable to get the FastCGI version back up, you can try doing a graceful restart of apache. "Apply changes" in webmin''s apache module runs the restart script. Have fun blazing on the C-based MySQL adapter with FastCGI ;) (P.S.: Unless you actually really need the speed, it''s probably just easier to use the CGI-version.) -- David Heinemeier Hansson, -- Web-based Project Management -- Web-application framework for Ruby -- TextMate: Code and markup editor (OS X) -- Broadcasting Brain