On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 05:59:23PM +0200, Aditya wrote:> Hi
> AS you know ferret does indexing on the methods also. This feature can
> be used to
> do full text search on columns + tags(implemented using
> acts_as_taggable).
> I have a db where there are three tables say A,B,C
> The relationships are like - A has many B and B has many C. My tags go
> against table C. But I have to do full text search on columns of A +
> tags on C.
> What I can do is have an instance method for A which finds all grand
> child of A in C and returns their tags as a string which can be indexed.
> But wont that effect the performance a lot?
Well, you can''t tell without trying this out ;-)
If it turns out to be a bottle neck, I''d rethink about optimizing this.
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