Dear all,
Being an economics student, I am trying to put together a little
tutorial/FAQ/... for those who have (more) background in econometrics rather
than in statistics -- just as I have. I'v been looking for a hypothesis
testing tool in R (just linear or also nonlinear) for model parameters, but
could not find anything so far. I did find a similar but unanswered question
in the archives, but nothing apart from that. Is it there or am I missing
something? If it is not there, is there a specific reason for that?
I am aware that the required code is not special or long, but the one I could
come up with is rather ugly and a pain to use:
htest <- function(object, resmat, target = 0, level = 0.95, n = 0)
# Testing liner restrictions of the form: resmat %*% cfs = target
# resmat: matrix/vector of restriction multipliers (i x k) ARRAY!!
# target: restriction value vector/scalar (k)
htest.lm <- function(object, resmat, target = 0, level = 0.95)
tsu <- summary(object, corr=FALSE)
cfs <- as.array(object$coefficients)
dfr1 <- nrow(resmat)
dfr2 <- object$df.residual
S <- aperm(resmat %*% aperm(cfs) - target) %*% solve(resmat %*%
tsu$cov.unscaled %*% aperm(resmat)) %*% (resmat %*% aperm(cfs) - target) /
(nrow(resmat) * tsu$sigma^2)
cat(" F(",dfr1,",",dfr2,")
=",qf(level,dfr1,dfr2), " vs. S =",S," [ p =
Thanks for any comments,
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