Hi there ... I installed solaris nv90 on my pc ( intel quad , 4G memory ) three days ago and am facing a weird problem with memory which I never had when I was using the previous versions ,I allocate only 2G to Dom0 and I left the rest to my running virtual machines ( knoppix , 2 windows ) and its seems work fine. but after while my Dom0 memory consumption start growing . when I start my machine and I checked the memory its telling me only 45% is used from the current Ram which is ( 2G ). and after while its start changing to 50 and 60 and 64 and keep going till its reach 95% and the whole system hang !!!! .. I start the system without starting any virtual machine only Dom0 and I encounter the same problem , imagine one of these tries I start copying a single file from my thumb drive and the same thing happened again , I tried to set the max memory for Dom0 by using virsh but it complain and show an error that the current memory can''t be shrink . by the way I set the 2G memory for the Dom 0 by adding dom0_mem = 2G after xen.gz in the /boot/grub/menu.list .. Thanks -- This message posted from opensolaris.org
Anas Ayad wrote:> Hi there ... > I installed solaris nv90 on my pc ( intel quad , 4G memory ) three days ago and am facing a weird problem with memory which I never had when I was using the previous versions ,I allocate only 2G to Dom0 and I left the rest to my running virtual machines ( knoppix , 2 windows ) and its seems work fine. but after while my Dom0 memory consumption start growing . when I start my machine and I checked the memory its telling me only 45% is used from the current Ram which is ( 2G ). and after while its start changing to 50 and 60 and 64 and keep going till its reach 95% and the whole system hang !!!! .. I start the system without starting any virtual machine only Dom0 and I encounter the same problem , imagine one of these tries I start copying a single file from my thumb drive and the same thing happened again , I tried to set the max memory for Dom0 by using virsh but it complain and show an error that the current memory can''t be shrink . by the way I set the 2G memory for the D om> 0 by adding dom0_mem = 2G after xen.gz in the /boot/grub/menu.list ..zfs root? If so, do the following and reboot. # echo "set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x10000000" >> /etc/system MRJ
I did what you told me but when I restart I get this message sorry : variable zfs_arc_max is not defined in the zfs module , but it''s boot up and there is no problem , but when I login everything freez ( I cant go to the desktop, just black screen !!!! ) .. -- This message posted from opensolaris.org