On Linux you have things under /proc/xen
(/proc/xen/capabilities for example) that will tell you about
the domain you''re in.
Don''t know if that''s the case on Solaris?
On 12/09/06, Bernd Schemmer <Bernd.Schemmer@gmx.de>
wrote:> How can I reliable detect in Linux and in Solaris if the OS is running
> in a DomU?
> I want to configure my Solaris and my Linux so that they run either as
> Dom0 or DomU. For example when running as DomU they should start VNC
> instead of the normal X Server.
> regards
> Bernd
> --
> Bernd Schemmer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
> http://home.arcor.de/bnsmb/index.html
> Más temprano que tarde el mundio cambiará
> Fidel Castro
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