Hello everyone, We at Fotolog.net need some good developers. We have positions open for: Senior Developer, Unix Software Developer, and QA. These positions are located in New York City (union square area). Please contact us at: bsdjobs@fotolog.net Developer/Senior qualifications are: - You must live in or around New York City - B.S. Degree in Computer Science, Math, or Physics - Experience with distributed programming - Strong knowledge of computer algorithms - Strong knowledge of the Unix operating system - Able to optimize, compile, and install Open Source programs and tools - C/C++ or Java (or any OO language) 3 years+ - Apache 1 year - PHP 2 years - Perl 2 years+ - Unix 3 years+ - SQL 2 years+ - CVS 2 years+ - HTML (including style sheets) 2 years+ - Javascript 2 years+ Thanks -nb