In a cluster with more than 2 nodes, if a network on one node goes down,
that node will evict itself but other nodes will survive. But in a two
node cluster, the node with lowest node number will survive no mater on
which node network went down.
Thompson, Mark wrote:>
> Hi,
> This is my first post here so please be gentle with me.
> My question is, can you have a 2 node OCFS2 cluster, disconnect one
> node from the network, and have the remaining node continue to
> function normally? Currently we have a 2 node cluster and if we stop
> the NIC that has the OCFS2 o2cb net connection running on it, the
> other node will reboot itself. I have researched having a 2 node OCFS2
> cluster but so far I have been unable to find a clear solution. I have
> looked at the FAQ regarding quorum, and my OCFS2 init scripts are
> enabled etc.
> Is this possible, or should we look at alternative solutions?
> Regards,
> Mark
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