Michael Mcandrews wrote:> OK, I''m relatively new to wxruby, but have gotten a few forms
> successful, and so building up some experience, but have run into a
> major challenge with the following issue. I want to generate a
> table-like thing, that has a known number of columns, but a variable
> number of rows, but the number of rows will be 25 or less; all the rows
> are to be the same height, but the columns need to be all different
> widths.
> So I was using a FlexGridSizer, set the number of columns and rows; I am
> able to put the sizer into a form and able to put controls into the
> FlexGrid control without any proble. However all the columns are the
> same width, and I can''t find any combination of flags that will
make the
> the columns anything other than the width of the widest column. Most of
> the controls going into the grid are TextCtrls and I have specified the
> "maximum_size" attribute as a Size.new(x,-1) with the following
> ALIGN_LEFT | ST_NO_AUTORESIZE. When adding the controls to the
> FlexGrid to "proportion" field is set to zero. And yet all the
> are the same width, the width of the widest sub-control.
> How can one specify a maximum column size? How does one have a FlexGrid
> recompute the column widths? Is FlexGrid the wrong thing to do this
> with?
You probably want to call FlexGridSizer#add_growable_col with a
proportion > 0 on at least one column in the sizer. That column will
then receive available additional space, and the other columns will have
the minimum size for their controls.
If all proportions == 0, the available space is distributed evenly
between all columns: